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September Minutes
Gallatin County Weed District
Regular Monthly Meeting
September 4, 2008

Board members present were Jeff Littlefield (Chair), Bob Hofman, Bob Urich, Craig Morgan, Fred Bell, and Joe Skinner (Commissioner). Others present were Dennis Hengel (District Coordinator), John Ansley (Education/Enforcement Coordinator) and Rosemary Perry (Secretary).

Minutes. The Minutes of the August meeting had been mailed out and were approved as submitted.

Claims. Littlefield brought up a question regarding the amount of a Cost Share that was listed in the Monthly Report. Hengel explained that the Cost Share in question was part of the Upper Madison WMA Grant and pays 50% of both herbicide and labor expenditures.


Hofman asked about weed control plans for the Schmidt property in the Frog Rock area. Ansley informed him that Dynamecc Property Services had been contracted by Schmidt to conduct weed control work on the property.


1.      Public Comment/Other. None.
2.      Weed District Budget FY’09. Hengel reported that the budget has been finalized. Commissioner Skinner informed the Board that the Weed District had been                 awarded the extra $10,000 for the boom spray program. Fred Bell thanked Commissioner Skinner for the support he has given to the Weed District.
3.      Commissioner Report. Commissioner Skinner stated that his report was addressed under the Budget Agenda item.
4.      Chairperson Report. Littlefield missed the August meeting as he was at a meeting in the northwest corner of the State. He participated in a number of weed              tours that were very informative. Littlefield gave the Board information on some of the weeds of concern in that area, such as Tansy ragwort, hawkweeds, Rush                   skeletonweed, Japanese knotweed.  Littlefield also got to see examples of Scotch broom and Yellow flag iris. There was discussion regarding the Rush                     skeletonweed, Japanese knotweed and Eurasian watermilfoil plant size and control measures.
        Littlefield also mentioned the upcoming NAWMA meeting in Billings. He mentioned that there would be weed tours and round table discussions.
        Littlefield also brought up the topic of Hengel’s salary. He received a memo stating that Hengel’s salary has been frozen as it is above average for the State.                         Littlefield asked Commissioner Skinner how much influence the Board had over salary levels. Skinner stated that the decision to freeze salaries of some county          positions was made by the Commission, however if the Board feels that the decision is not right they can appeal to the Commission.

5.      Enforcement/Education Coordinator Report.
·       Ansley reported that he is still dealing with complaints as a lot of weeds are blooming and highly visible. However, the complaints are tapering off.
·       In regards to the enforcement program there continues to be good response to the contact letters mailed out with follow up with field inspections.
·       A difficult enforcement issue has been the Huffine property on Springhill Road. Complaints have been filed against the property from both Springhill Road area  property owners and from the subdivision behind the property. Efforts to contact the owners of the property were non productive. Eventually, Ansley was able to                         locate the Estate manager to discuss the situation. Plans are now in effect to address the weed control.
·       Ansley has been spraying “hot” spots as well as the Fairgrounds complex.
·       The rentals are still going out as a response to advice to some residents regarding fall spraying. Ansley will keep a couple of the rentals available and Hengel                and the Foreman will winterize the others.
·       Ansley received a shipment of Cyphocleonus achetes (SK root boring weevils) and released them in the Frog Rock WMA (from Chestnut to the mouth of the           canyon).
·       He met with Allen Armstrong (GIS) and Tyler Technologies regarding streamlining software whereby Departments can share data (e.g. Planning, Weed etc.).                 There was discussion regarding searches for property ownership as the current methods can be cumbersome.
·       On August 25th Ansley did a Weed ID presentation for a Boy Scout Troop in Belgrade and they then pulled Spotted knapweed on a Church lot near the railroad.             Ansley also found the Cyphocleonus achetes there and asked if there had been a release in that area. Hengel said that approximately in 1998 APHIS had                   released the beetles along the railroad grade about ½ mile from the Church. Littlefield will check the area for more weevils and let Ansley know what he finds.
·       Ansley reported that there are three (3) upcoming weed washes scheduled. This weekend (Sept 6th) for opening day of bow hunting season, September 20th          and later (October 26th) if the weather permits for opening day of rifle season. Commissioner Skinner asked if there were any plans to collect debris and get a                 seed analysis as this would give a guideline as to whether or not the weed wash station is an effective tool. Hengel said that at this time there are no plans to                        conduct a seed analysis.
·       Commissioner Skinner asked if there had been any complaints about the Spainbridge Meadows subdivision area. There is a bad Canada thistle infestation           there. At this time we do not have complaints except at the entrance and that has been mowed. Hengel will investigate the issue.
·       Ansley reported that he is working with Jones, Ophir School, Hoopes and Councilman (USFS) to have a “What’s In Your World” educational event scheduled for      September 22nd.
6.      Coordinator Report.
§       Hengel informed the Board that in August, as per May-June-July, he spent 6-8 hours per day spraying and management of the spray crews. After August 15th                most of the crews are done for the season. The exception is the shop foreman. Dependent upon class schedule the foreman will continue on with some                      special projects and will assist with winterization of equipment. Hengel has ordered two (2) 500 gallon tanks and will replace two (2) of the 300 gallon tanks                with the larger tanks.
§       Hengel has contacted the Manager of the Logan Landfill to discuss the possibility of a Beneficial Use site for the contaminated soil from the accident site at          Three Forks. They also discussed the Weed District setting up a program for weed control at the Landfill.
§       Last year there was a report of Orange Hawkweed located in Kirk Park (off S19th). The District treated the infestation. This year, the site was inspected for           additional plants. No new plants were located. However, a few plants of yellow hawkweed were discovered in an adjacent park (Elk Park within Hodgman                    Canyon subdivision) about 2 miles west of Kirk Park. The yellow hawkweed plants were treated.
§       Hengel has investigated a complaint filed on the Spanish Meadows Estates subdivision on Baxter Lane. As a condition of approval of the subdivision the          developer was required to paved portions of Baxter Lane. During the road construction and paving the side cast was pushed into the right-of-way ROW).  No                       top-soiling or revegetation occurred and as a result infestation of the ROW with nuisance weeds has also occurred. Mitigation requires that the disturbed areas                  be treated and revegetation completed.  
§       There has been some mowing of weeds done on Baxter Meadows subdivision. Hengel and Ansley will check to see if this was done by the developer or the City       of Bozeman. There are still several areas within Baxter Meadows that require mowing of thistle.
§       Hengel has received an email from a resident on Love Lane. A service line was installed along Love Lane from Huffine Lane to Black Bull Run subdivision. A              heavy infestation of weeds has developed from the disturbance. State Law requires utility companies to notify the Weed District when a substantial disturbance          is planned and currently the utility companies do not do this. Hengel is contacting the property manager of Black Bull Run subdivision to correct the problem. In               addition, the developer paved portions of Durston Road as a condition of approval. Revegetation of the disturbed areas from the paving has not occurred.
§       Big Sky Project. Hengel reported that the Big Sky group (Jones) have mapped all but ¼ mile of Hwy 191 and are preparing to start on the river system. Jones             had a booth at the Big Sky Owners Assn meeting and was kept busy. He received a number of complaints about weeds on the golf course and will contact the                        golf course manager and check into the issue.
§       Hengel reported that they have received complaints regarding Spotted knapweed on a piece of property adjacent to the river at Beckman Flats. This is one of the         last remaining infestations within the area that has not been treated. Research through the plat maps and Montana Department of Revenue has failed to turn up   a property owner.  
§       Hengel has discovered a number of noxious weed infestations on various properties belonging to an owner in the Manhattan area. Last year, they were                     contacted regarding the infestations but no control measures were initiated. The Board said that Hengel should call the owners and remind them of the issues            but also send a letter notifying them of the problem.
§       Hengel informed the Board that the County has set up a leadership training course for Department Heads. The course is 16 weeks and would cost the District              $250. Bell moved that the Board approve the expenditure, Urich seconded and the motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 2.15PM. The next meeting will be October 2nd, 2008.

Respectfully submitted,

Rosemary Perry, Secretary